PM Modi I Geeta Press I CM Yogi I Gorakhpur I Narendra Modi I SBharat I SakriyaBharat I Ajay Rajput #sbharat #sakriyabharat #hindinews #latestnews #pmmodi #cmyogiadityanath #ajayrajput
#modiinuttarpradesh#gitapressgorakhpur#gitapress#gitapress#gitapressgorakhpur#gorakhpur#uttarpradesh#modiinuttarpradesh PM Modi addressed the closing ceremony of the centenary celebrations of the historic Gita Press in Gorakhpur and released the Chitramaya Shiva Purana Granth. He said, “Gita Press is not just a printing press but a living faith.” PM Modi remarked that Gita Press is no less than a shrine for crores of people.